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About This Course

​Bangor Business School is the only institution in the world able to offer the Chartered Banker MBA (CBMBA), the ‘Master’s in Business Administration (Chartered Banker)’ degree.


The Chartered Banker MBA is a Global offering of Bangor Business School’s Executive Education, a ground-breaking dual qualification that allows you to gain an MBA and the coveted ‘Chartered Banker’ status - the highest professional award available to bankers worldwide.


‘Chartered Banker’ status is awarded by the Chartered Banker Institute, the only banking institute in the World which can confer this designation. It is committed to raising the standards of professionalism at all levels in banking and financial services, and to rebuilding public confidence and trust in banks and bankers.


For the busy professional embarking upon executive education, the distance learning format of the programme is a key component, allowing time to study whilst pursuing your career. The Chartered Banker MBA emphasises professional and vocational development, enhancing the understanding and application of skills required in 21st century banking.

Why study the Chartered Banker MBA

  • The Chartered Banker MBA is aimed at senior individuals in banks and other financial services firms or those seeking to join the industry

  • Delivers practical and contemporary content to aid executives and managers 

  • Extend your knowledge and understanding and acquire the skills to cope with the change in the ever-evolving financial services industry

  • The highly accessible programme has a flexible study approach that suits different work and time zones globally and allows students to strike a balance between self-study and practical learning

  • This high-level and intensive learning experience combines generic MBA disciplines (such as Marketing, Human Resources, and Strategic Management) with more specialist subjects such as Financial Institutions Risk Management, Credit and Lending & Banking Technology & FinTech

  • Tailored elective modules are offered to meet your career aspirations or interests


How to Apply:


Please make sure you read and follow the step-by-step application guide as this will specify which sections of the application form are compulsory for the type of course you want to apply for and save you time.


Please prepare the following information (in a Word document):


  • Personal Statement (A personal statement should detail your skills, your experience, and your reasons for applying for this programme, how it will contribute to your career plan and ambitions for the future. One page of A4 is sufficient).

  • CV (A CV should provide a summary of your career history, educational history, and qualifications. If you have been in full time employment for several years, a CV detailing your career history e.g. start and end date and a brief description of your responsibilities for each position will be required).

  • Reference (Please upload an academic reference letter / letter of recommendation from your current institution or the most recent institution at which you studied. If you are applying under the mature student regulations or have been out of education for some time, your reference should be from a relevant employer).

  • Educational Qualifications (Copies of official certificates of completed qualifications i.e. Degree awards, College awards and School awards must be supplied along with an official course transcript. If these documents are not in English, please also provide an official, certified English translation of these documents).

  • Passport (Copy of the main page of your passport)


This will speed up the process of completing the application form. 

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